Validating and improving the value of thought leadership
Insurance provider AIG Life (formerly Ellipse) struggled to quantify the impact of it's published research and the value it was generating for the business
AIG Life regularly commissions research into employer and employee attitudes on workplace benefits and published the results to drive awareness of their brand and services.
Justifying the large sums spent on this research requires a clear picture of how the resulting content is being consumed by readers to give confidence that it's having the desired impact.
AIG Life's existing model of publishing to PDF and static web pages was providing very little in the way of meaningful metrics. Click-through rates, download counts, and dwell times were not particularly revealing.
Quantify the value of primary research
Understand how content was being read
Improve reader experience
Reach a larger audience
In the digital world of today, we recognized that we needed to improve the reader experience across devices along with a better understanding of who reads our content, for how long, and which bits are most impactful. Our research program would typically drive 300 clicks and that's all we knew.
AIG Life Limited is the UK life insurance arm of the American International Group, Inc (AIG). As of May 2018, the company holds approximately $83 million (£64 million) of in-force premiums and nearly 4,500 in-force policies covering over 370,000 lives.