Publishing & Sharing
\Amplify your reach how, when and where you want \\
Publishing and Sharing
Turtl stories are search friendly and fully indexable by Google, bringing additional SEO benefits to the business.
Hyperlinks can easily be embedded within all stories to drive traffic back to our website, supporting the new site rather than diluting any traffic.
Turtl stories can be hosted on our website, social channels or via email. The unique animated gif which is distributed allows for email open rates up to 7 times higher.
"Turtl is a fantastic addition to our design software. It allows us to produce digital material that is easy to create and provides clients with a far superior interactive experience"
– Susan Lane, Head of Design UK, Allianz
Mobile and Tablet:
To be truly digital, we have to be device agnostic. All trends point to more use in these channels, yet you cannot read our documentation efficiently on pdf via mobile. Turtl's responsive design allows it to render extremely well on mobile and tablet devices.
Social Engagement:
A key dimension within the digital strategy is social channels. Turtl is already fully integrated with all the key channels, meaning that any content we create can easily be distributed and shared. Content is also optimised efficiently through the creation of a social card with strong imagery rather than text or a simple link.
Compliance and Confidentiality:
Turtl has password protection in place so we have the necessary privacy control for confidential distributions.
Created with Sketch.