I wanted to highlight what I think are the key benefits for Hermes using Turtl over and above the apparent customer experience and resource gains.
There is a very recent and relevant case study from one of our client Willis Towers Watson I'd like to draw on to help make this case:
Understanding what chapters your readers are engaging with reveals and delivers two major befits to Hermes, Today you have a hard time measuring this and as such the performance of each content doesn't inform future campaigns. It also means you could be missing key business intelligence not revealed but traditional formats.
The current format delivers no actionable data into the sales organisation. Turtl changes this with audience insight and the opportunity to create sales specific assets in support of events, social and digital campaigns, And yes if you need it you can have a PDF of the Turtl story!
I understand there are some concerns regarding who might be responsible for the platform, Hopefully, the testimonials provide some security that regardless of users from design, content or marketing the platform is easy to manage and one that we fully support with access to our customer success team.
I'd also like to offer a day of professional services free of charge to get the initial content piece built, In which we will take your copy and lay it out in the platform along with any assets.
In order to minimise the upfront commitment, I have agreed been able to get agreement here that we will defer any licence fees until after the trial is complete if you choose not to proceed after the trial you will have only incurred the cost of brand theme build.
Turtl will provide access and training to the platform for three users between 20th May - 20thth July 2019.
During this period you will have the right to cancel the agreement prior to the 7th of July 2019
If you wish to continue using the platform after the 20th July, then immediate payment of 14 Months license fee will be due, and you will be entering into a 26-month term. We will charge the following years licence fee in June 2020.
20th May 2019 - £6,000 + VAT For Brand application to Turtl environment
20th July2019 - £27,930 + VAT 14 Month License Fee for 3 Users
5th June 2020 - £23,940 + VAT 12 Month License Fee for 3 Users
Included in the agreement with 21:12 will be a term that allows us to cancel the agreement held with them on completion of a direct contract with Hermes Investment Management.
I hope this is clear but if there are any questions, please let me know, and I'll be happy to run through them.