For example:
1. What is your business trying to achieve over the next year or two?
The email automation company Laura works for is trying to exponentially grow its customer base in the SME market, improve customer retention among its US customers and achieve more diversity in its senior team.
2. Which of these objectives is your division responsible for?
Laura's team has been set the objective of growing the company's share of the SME market.
3. How will you know when those objectives are achieved?
The business wants a 100% increase in SME customers over the next 12 months, and 200% the year after that.
4. What needs to change/happen to get there?
To get there, Laura's division needs to increase awareness of its software in the SME community, keep the SME audience interested in the brand and product and ultimately increase the number of SMEs who become customers.
5. How will you know when each of those things is occurring?
More SME visitors viewing and returning to the website, engaging with Laura's content, trialing the product and purchasing a plan.