Behavioral scientists and cognitive psychologists have been riffing on this one for over fifty years.
It turns out that it's very rarely logic and concrete reasoning which steers our decision-making process. Who would have guessed it?!
Instead, it's a complex mix of cognitive biases, instinctive tendencies, and social cues - many of which are bubbling away without our conscious awareness.
This means that the way we make decisions is irrational, confusing and at times just plain weird. Our brains are influenced by a huge number of forces that we are barely conscious of.
In fact, as Richard H. Thaler tells us in Nudge: Improving Decisions about Wealth, Health and Happiness, there are so many things that influence our decisions that it's almost impossible to present anything in a neutral way.
If only we could tap into the unconscious and instinctive ways brains work, and design around them…