01. Execute: This is your starting point, when you activate your content. Once it’s published, you can start analyzing, testing, and refining to maximize its long-term impact.
02. Measure: Next, it’s time to collect data on the metrics that matter, like read time or how many onward links your prospects follow. With a smaller readership, you may want to set a testing period to closely monitor how the content performs. If it’s a popular piece, it might work better to track performance across a predetermined number of readers instead.
03. Report: When you report on your data, focus on providing insight, not just a summary. Instead of talking about what you’ve measured, think about the factors that contributed to those results, whether it’s the channel, where you’ve placed it on your website, or particular strengths and flaws in the content itself.
04. Refine: Finally, it’s time to start iterating. Use that insight to design improvements to your content, and then set up a test to see if your changes have the desired effect. Keep it scientific—stick to an agreed timeframe and only alter one variable at a time.