How marketing can drive more business value
A recent study by Deloitte Insights found CMOs are suffering from a crisis of confidence. Only 5% feel highly confident in their ability to affect the strategic direction of the business. A key opportunity identified in the report is for the CMO to take ownership of the customer experience and to champion the voice of the customer across the business.
Research done by Forrester on Turtl's behalf echoes the findings of the Deloitte Insights’ c-suite study.
Almost 60% of marketing and sales leaders in technology companies believe marketing could most improve its position as a key driver of the business by providing sales teams with rich and reliable insights into prospects and buyers, especially ones that can help speed up sales cycles and grow customer lifetime value.
With so much of the tech buyer journey happening before a salesperson enters the stage, marketing, sales, and customer success and experience teams need to take a sledgehammer to the walls that have traditionally kept these functions siloed. Cue the rise of revenue operations, and at their center the demand for three particular kinds of information about the customer:
The private data shared directly with a business through, e.g. form completions, and the data that can be extracted from public profiles: name, company, email, job title, location, bio.
The kind of data derived or inferred from the contact's and company's profile and includes things like the likelihood to convert and predicted deal size.
We expect innovative, customer-delighting experiences to come to market that combine technology, creativity, and deep customer understanding.
Data on the buyer's interactions with the organization and with the wider market. This is marketing's real opportunity to deliver value to the wider business in ways above and beyond customer profiling. Interactions are where the intent of a buyer surfaces and with it the type of insights that can help sales teams win business.
Digital content and experiences make up most of the interactions buyers and customers have with tech organizations, especially in B2B.
Yet currently a massive 91% of marketers in tech struggle to generate insights from the content & experiences they create to support the business, according to Forrester's research on behalf of Turtl.
In this report, we examine the cause of these struggles and how marketing in tech organizations can navigate its way through current obstacles to capture and deliver customer insights and in doing so strengthen its strategic influence within the firm.