2. Resource
Whether it’s time, skill, or money, the question of resource is another key challenge when it comes to generating insights from content. Two in five tech marketers surveyed by Forrester said they are unable to design the kinds of experiences that capture buyer feedback without the support of a developer.
Similarly, another 38% identified a lack of time or expertise to adequately go through buyer insights as a barrier. Data expertise has become critical, yet Gartner predicted that half of all organizations would lack sufficient AI and data literacy skills to achieve business value going into 2020.
3. Process
Inadequate processes within tech companies are another barrier identified by respondents. How can marketing generate insights from content if they are disconnected from how content is delivered to the end reader, as reported by another two in five respondents surveyed (38%)? The same number noted that they do not tag their content in a way that creates insights through analytics or marketing platforms.