How Turtl fuels your MarTech stack at each stage of the funnel
Integrate Turtl with CRMs, marketing automation tools, and analytics platforms to strengthen your tech stack.
Determine which companies and readers are engaged, in market, and ready for outreach
Gather, centralize, and automate insight and personalization to engage with companies or consumers at the right time, via the right channel, with the right message
Align marketing and sales to establish and accelerate predictable processes and outcomes
Contacts are intelligently segmented and assigned to list
Content is personalized for each contact using Turtl
Content is assigned to contacts and applied to templates
Content performance is analyzed and new insights are generated through Turtl
Contacts segmented
Content events and interactions recorded
Insights generated
Opportunities exported
Jump to integration
Contacts pulled into Turtl's Personalization Engine
Personalization data, lead-gen links, Turtl Doc link, and animated gif all attached to each contact
Custom Turtl Docs generated with ease
Contacts pulled into chosen platform
Personalization data applied to contacts
Personalization applied to email templates
Effective emails sent off in a few clicks
Reader-level data gathered
Content performance analyzed and fed back into company-wide analytics platforms
Future materials influenced by content and reader insights