What we found
Every way we tried it, people spent much longer in Turtl Docs than on webpages
We found that readers spend considerably more time in Turtl Docs than on webpages with similar word counts, whether that word count is 1,000 or 2,500.
At a closer glance, we saw that for content of 1,000 words, users spent 2.2 times more time in Turtl Docs than on webpages. This equated to an average of 150 seconds, compared to just 70 seconds or less on a webpage.
At 1,500 words, users spent 1.9 times more time in Turtl Docs
At 2,500 words, users spent 1.7 times more time in Turtl Docs
A longer average read time means fewer people bouncing off your content – and ultimately, spending more minutes in your carefully constructed world of ideas.
Unlike most scrolling webpages, Turtl Docs’ highly visual and interactive features offer opportunities for your readers to really explore your messages, encouraging them to surf from point to point and creating a more active reading experience.
But it’s not just about the time they spend with your content, it’s about how far they get with it.
Just send us your webpage. We’ll show you how effective your long-form content could be.
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